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Fresh and Salted Skins can be dropped off between 7am and 2pm Monday - Thursday. No appointment is required.
We only accept FROZEN skins Monday - Thursday between 7am and 2pm. Please don't courier skins to arrive on Friday or the weekend.
When dropping off skins please take them down the driveway next to the creek on the opposite side of the road from the shop. If no one is there to help you please visit the shop and they will contact someone for you. Please do not enter the tannery unaccompanied.
Ensure you have prepared your skin correctly as mentioned on our preparation page.
Please send in disposable bin, polystyrene bin or cheap bin as they often get damaged and it is not our responsibility to return.
Download the contact information form to fill out and add with your skin for delivery. If you cannot print this form click the "Unable to Print" button below, then follow the instructions.
Ensure your skin is well wrapped. Please double bag, especially if frozen and stuff with newspaper. Attach contact information in a separate bag. Zip lock bags are good for this.
Deliver skins to:
Classic Sheepskins,
Attn: Custom Tanning
22 Thames St,
Napier 4110
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